Monday, February 10, 2014

Just when you think you are making headway...

The past few years have been rough.

We entered into a business, with a partner that we had known for years.  Long story short; he was a thief. We lost a few hundred thousand dollars.  It drove us into bankruptcy.  Then my mom's health took a turn for the worse. We converted our quest room into a hospital room. Over then next few years, she was in and out of ICU's, step down units and rehabs. We had in home nurses, physical therapists as well as aids.

Long story, short; we did everything we could to improve my mothers quality of life. However COPD is progressive... Mom passed away in 2012.

Now we have our mortgage plus the home equity loan that we had to take to afford mom's care...not to mention around 20,000 a year in taxes for both homes.

Now our business is slow... I'm fucking drowning here!  We are trying to sell moms house but with all the debt, we will not walk with much, if any...

I don't know why I am writing this...
I think it might be that I have no living relatives. My friends are not really friends, just acquaintances.

It's pitiful that I am posting this to the web.... I could use a few words of encouragement or advice...

That's all for now, I'm beat and need to go to bed.